Rotterdam Architecture Month ’24

Rotterdam Architecture Month ’24, Garden of the City

Rotterdam Architecture Month is the largest architecture festival in the Netherlands focusing on the future of the city. Here, the major transitions and spatial consequences we face as a society are presented to a wide audience in a stimulating way. Every year in June, a new edition of the festival takes place, with a new and appropriate location chosen as Festival Heart. Under the title of this edition, ‘Garden of the City’, you will rediscover the Museumpark from a different perspective. You will follow a unique path featuring architectural interventions designed by a new generation of designers, each telling the story of the park’s past, present, and future

The route, co-developed by OMI (Office for Metropolitan Information), connects notable locations with inspiring stories, guiding you through architecture, nature, and visual art. In addition, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, under the name ‘Snakken naar Boijmans,’ temporarily opened its doors during this month, allowing visitors to explore the Henket Pavilion exhibition that we designed.

Since 2021, our studio has been responsible for developing the festival’s identity, website, campaign, and exhibition signage and wayfinding. . The festival’s long-term aim is to achieve (inter)national significance.